Why Back Pain Exercises

Change happens through movement and movement heals” Joseph Pilates. Back pain exercises are commonly used in rehabilitation. Movement is important because if you are stiff in one area, movement shifts to another area, which will then break down faster. For instance, if your lower upper back and hips are overly tight, the movement will shift to the more mobile lower back. Consequently, the lower back will break down from the incorrect excessive pressure placed upon it.

According to research, among adults, 60%-80% experience back pain that interferes with daily activities during their lifetime, while 20%-70% will experience neck pain.

What are the Best Exercises for Back Pain

Back pain is often caused from poor posture to significant underlying conditions. Therefore, the treatment and exercises for back and neck pain depends on the cause of the pain.

Mechanical low back pain can result from an acute traumatic event, but it may also be caused by cumulative trauma.

Pilates personal training

Pilates based exercises are particularly beneficial in rehabilitation settings. What’s more, in the UK, the NICE guidelines recommend Pilates exercise as a first line non-invasive treatment for low back pain and sciatica.

However, it is chiefly important to prescribe the correct Back Pain Exercises for back pain sufferers.  Also, it’s crucial to perform all exercises correctly. The most widely accepted exercises aim to improve posture, increase core strength and enhance spinal mobility.

How do Back Pain Exercises Work?



How Injury Rehabilitation with Pilates Exercise can help

Read this incredible story of a double amputee who finds the power of STOTT PILATES® exercise for his rehabilitation. His dedication and commitment in practising Pilates 3 times/week is positively helping him overcome his physical limitations.

Furthermore, having found injury rehabilitation with STOTT PILATES® exercises has helped him take his first step on his long prosthetic legs. Watch how he takes many more steps along the way in this exciting blog (more…)