Pilates Reformer classes W14, London


Pilates Reformer classes W14, London

At 375 Kensington High Street, Core Kensington offers small Pilates Reformer classes in a beautifully appointed studio. In other words, Intelligent Pilates, skilfully delivered.
Improve your general wellbeing and help reduce your low back pain. Therefore, if you suffer from non-specific, mechanical chronic low back pain and are looking for a change, look no further. Here’s why:
The benefits of equipment-based Pilates exercises (e.g. reformer), have been clearly established…in the general population with chronic low back pain.

In this paragraph, I am going to explain how our Pilates reformer classes can help you in reducing work-related low back pain and disability. Firstly, according to a recent study, Stieglitz et al, (2015) assessed workers during a 6-week equipment-based Pilates exercise and found “Rehabilitative Pilates exercise reduced pain and disability in workers with chronic low back pain”. Secondly, our instructors are fully qualified STOTT PILATES overseen by a registered osteopath.

How can Pilates Reformer classes help?

The Pilates method was developed in the 1920s by the late Joseph Pilates during the first World War to rehabilitate injured former soldiers . Not until recently this method has been rigorously evaluated for its therapeutic benefit for people with chronic low back pain.
The Pilates method focuses on improving body awareness and movement through particular exercises (Andrade et al., 2015). This method is thought to manage chronic low back pain (CLBP) by activating the deep spinal and abdominal muscles while promoting greater spinal stabilisation. That is to say that this specific stabilisation training has been shown to improve pain, reduce disability, and increase symmetry of the lumbar multifidi at the vertebral level in healthcare workers with CLBP (Maraschin et al., 2014).

How is this different from gym based exercises?

The difference from Pilates and regular gym exercises is in the focus, principles and the type of muscle fibres that are recruited, for instance.The approach is completely different in Pilates. Let me explain why:

Pilates exercises preferentially recruitment and strengthen the deep abdominal and spinal muscles, and promote restoration of the spinal curves. Similarly, contemporary Pilates exercises aim to work in a neutral pelvis. This is important because the posture of the low back an pelvis directly affects the activation timing and recruitment of the deep core muscles.
In contrast, gym based abdominal exercises tend to be done in a posterior pelvic tilt, which according to Mawston and Boocock (2012), because they involves lumbar flexion, increases load on the annular and posterior ligaments of the spine. Subsequently, reducing recruitment of the deep abdominal and spinal musculature. Thus, training these specific muscles in a neutral pelvic zone in stability and mobility reduces the spinal load. In short, optimises the use and recruitment of the deep transversus abdominis and lumbar multifidi, which are the deepest abdominal muscles and lumbar spine stabilisers.

Time to make a change in your training.

Book now online or on our app, or simply call us 020 7854 1934


Andrade, L.S., Mochizuhi, L., Pires, F.O., daSiva, R.A., Moth, Y.L., 2015. Application of Pilates principles
increases paraspinal muscle activation. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther. 19, 62e66

Stieglitz, D.D., Vinson, D.R. & Hampton, M.D.C., 2015. Equipment-based Pilates reduces work-related chronic low back pain and disability: A pilot study. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. Available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1360859215001618.

Maraschin, M., Ferrari, S., Cacciatori, C., 2014. The effect of functional stabilization training on the cross sectional area of the deep stabilizer muscles in healthcare workers with chronic low back pain: a pilot study [Italian]. Sci. Riabil. 16, 12e21.

Mawston, G.A., Boocock, M.G., 2012. The effect of lumbar posture on spinal loading and the function of the erector spinae: implication for exercise function and vocational rehabilitation. N. Z. J. Physiother. 40, 135e140.