How Injury Rehabilitation with Pilates Exercise can help

Read this incredible story of a double amputee who finds the power of STOTT PILATES® exercise for his rehabilitation. His dedication and commitment in practising Pilates 3 times/week is positively helping him overcome his physical limitations.

Furthermore, having found injury rehabilitation with STOTT PILATES® exercises has helped him take his first step on his long prosthetic legs. Watch how he takes many more steps along the way in this exciting blog (more…)

Back Pain Pilates Classes 

Don’t wait until it your pain gets out of control. Not all Pilates classes are suitable for people with non-specific low back pain, or with chronic low back pain. Our Pilates classes may help as part of a conservative treatment option for people with non- specific low back pain with or without sciatica. Our highly qualified instructors (more…)